For 5 years I have used the BIO-RAD system for Western Blotting. This is the first time I found trace pieces of gels on the well. I tried many steps to get rid of them but I have not succeeded. Any advice?
Well, for my Westerns I clean the wells with destilled water, rinse them with hot water and again washed them with destilled water. After that I clean with isopropanole to clean the wells from the gel remnants. So if the wells very dirty I repeat the procedure for 2-3 times until nothing is on the wells.
Probably you can clean them with some highly diluted acid (citric acid)
You mean you have some gel pieces in the well that you want to load ? You could wash your wells with a syringe and needle.. This will flush out the gel piece..
Thx Shrey, I did wash the wells with syringe and needle but it did not work. So my question why I did not face that during the time of my PhD. I just found it now in other new lab. the only different is the comb and its size that is why I thought it might be the reason but I am not sure yet.
It happens with me sometimes..that there is a thin gel film formed when I leave the gel with the comb in for a longer time.. Then, I have to flush in the wells as I said.. It removes the thin film formed.. mostly completely..