As I approach my recording electrode in the bath, the response drifts from 0 to all the down to -2000. I tried offset option and chlorided the wire (recording as well as one in the bath) with bleach. The problem still persists.
Hi Yojet. Try hooking your model cell initially to see if it doesn't drift as well. This is just a test. It shouldn't. Check if the soldering (ground wire) is still proper. Sometimes with moving parts it gradually breaks. Also check if the solder isn't touching the bath. It tends to oxidize quick if it does. Also check for grounding issues. Worst case scenario, remove the grounding and reposition it one by one until you find if that's the culprit.
Last but not least, clean your holder thoroughly (actually, do this first, it's easier!) and dry it very well. Any moisture could short circuit your probe and that'll be a headache.
I have faced this kind of challenge during my starting days with EP rig...
As Dagostin said it could be because of a short circuit...
1. What type of bath chamber you are using?
2. The bottom of the bath chamber coverslip is permanently fixed with glue or just with removable grease? Make sure that it should not leak, it may lead to a salt bridge between the microscope stage and the bath chamber.
Completely remove your bath chamber from the stage and clean it well and fix it again to see if it works.
3. How about with your model cell?
Make sure your reference electrode should not contact any part of the microscope stage, it should be well insulated and only the tip of it has to dip in the bath.
4. What is pipette resistance when it touches the external solution?