According to the Power's law, the scan rate dependence of CV current can be expressed as i = dv^b, where, v is scan rate (V/s), d and b are the adjustable parameters. Firstly, b-value can be determined from the slope of linear fit of log i vs. log v plot at fixed potential (V). After that, the b value has two conditions, b = 0.5 for intercalation/de-intercalation of ions into/from the electrode or diffusion controlled process and b= 1 for capacitive process or non-diffusive controlled process. This is the best way to know the charge storage mechanism of electrode in each potential.
Mohammad R. Thalji and Habib M. N. Ahmad have a look at the attached question is, how the values of 'log i' are negative if we are considering both the cathodic and anodic peaks. They must be both positive and negative. Kindly, observe the cyclic voltammetry curve and the 'log i vs log v' plot.