Dear my colleagues.
I am working on research on the use of renewable energies in Morocco. Can you help me get data on the speed of sea movement (tidal speed) in the cities of the Maghreb and specifically near Rabat.
Thank you in advance for help
Mohammed Kharrich
Zhibin Zhou
Mohamed Benbouzid
When I conducted the degassing experiment using decompression under anaerobic condition(and I used ferrous based chelating agent), the oxidized ferric were observerd. So, could you tell me the...
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Dear All, We are using Autodesk cfd to calculate the air flow in a single sided naturally ventilated room, where air flow depends only on buoyancy due to temperature difference between inside and...
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Hi everyone How to model Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) process in Homer software?
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It is commonly accepted that General Relativity has its own 'bare' cosmological constant that contributes together with the cosmological constant resulting from vacuum energy density for an...
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