During my research, I would like to investigate the local porosity values of a foamed sandwich-composite-plate (Material: Polypropylen with CO2 as blowing agent). This plate contains 5 distinguished layers with different porosity mean values.
For a better scientific practice, I also manufactured a high density plate (reference) in order to obtain a porosity treshhold with a CT scan. this treshhold value is mainly used for calibration and comparison. Hence I need a better unterstanding of this value.
My problem is, that I am not experienced enough with analyzing high density materials in terms of their porosity. VG STUDIO MAX offers a vast amount of parameters which I roughly analyzed with a sensitivity analyses for high porosity material.
However, if I slightly change the filter settings or tolerance setting in the porosity analyses, (Mode: only treshhold) the software misinterprets "material" voxels for "air" voxels. The results sugggest a higher mean porosity in the reference material. I also tried to perform a sensitivity analyses for porosity (higher density materials) but the Intervalls are very small, hence they do not provide me with a solid statistic value...