I need the sequence corresponding -3,149 and -3,024 relative to the translational start site of my interest gene. I don't have other info. Can someone help me to understand what I have to do?
Hi Michela Di Criscio . You need any program for work with sequences. If not available even MS Word. You have to copy corresponding part of chromosomal DNA containing your target Gene.
Then find ATG site (start of transcription ) and find bp -3,149 and -3,024 (to the left from ATG, downstream).
I hope it will help you, excuse me if I did not understand you well and my way is wrong.
It is quite straightforward as the mouse genome sequence is available. Find the location of your gene of interest in the genome, note down the coordinates and then download the region by subtracting the ( -3,149 and -3,024 bp) from the left coordinate. This should work