I am using openfoam to calculate the flow field of a rectangular section channel with a cage in it and try to analysis the influence of the blockage on particles transport. I plan to inject particles in the cage, which means only part of flow field is what I exactly need, thus I used decomposePar to divide the cage into processor1 in order to reduce calculation time and after steady state I created a new case inwhich 0/,constant/ were from processor1, I got correct U,p... and polymesh, which all perfomed well in paraview. I redefined the boundaries by creatPatch. But when running the new case with particleFoam I always got an error "Not implemented...FOAM aborting". I think maybe BC causes this error but don't know how to fix it. So how to fix this error or maybe there is more appropriate methods to achieve this? My English is not very well, thank you for reading this and all your help!