15 March 2024 0 287 Report

Hi everyone,

I am trying to estimate the narrow-sens heritability of dispersal (propensity) in a natural population of lizard for wich I have a pedigree dataset. I used a bayesian approch, by fitting an animal model (function : brm ; package : brms) with three random effects (additive genetic, maternal effect, environnement). Using the posterior distribution of this effects, I was abble to estimate h² and the credibility interval, IC (function : HPDinterval ; package : coda).

My issue is that IC is very large, with the lower limit beeing very close to zero (e. g. for an estimate of h² = 0.30, IC [2e-12 ; 0.5]). How can I by sure that my estimation is robuste and that h² is different of zero ?

For now I fitted the animal model without the additive genetic effet and used loo and looic methods on both model. Comparing the output, I am sure that the additive genetic effect increase the quality of the model, help it to fitt best the data.

Is that enough ? Or do you see anything else I can do to assert / evaluate the robustness of heritability estimate ?

Thanks in advance.

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