03 December 2018 2 903 Report


I'm simulating the contact of two moving gears in ANSYS Workbench (Static Structural) with multiple load steps and would like to evaluate the stresses in a radial cross section to better see stresses underneath the surface . 

Is there a method in ANSYS Workbench to evaluate the stresses across a cross section? I know you can make a section cut of the simulated bodies with the options in the bottom right corner, but is there a way to create an additional stress result on that cut surface?

From searching for the problem on the internet I gathered that it might be possible to do with cutting the body prior to the simulation in e.g. Design Modeler and then create a result on the cut surface. I tried that and it works but I get some weird stress concentrations in the cut region that were not there before cutting the gear bodies. I also heard somewhere that it should be possible to do in APDL, but I didn't find any example of that.

Thanks in advance for any help!



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