I have built a project in Materials Studio 4.4 containing ten "3D Atomistic.xsd" documents, and I want to write a ".bat" document to calculate the energy of crystals automatically. Any suggestions?
Maybe I don't discribe the question clearly,what I want to do is letting my Materials Studio 4.4 project process automatically.For example,this is a ".bat" file:
In your .bat file you use Materials Studio 5.0, but you install a Materials Studio 4.4 in your computer. Maybe this might cause the problem? What is the error prompt?
call C:\"Program Files"\Accelrys\"Materials Studio 5.0"\etc\CASTEP\bin\RunCASTEP -np 2 Ni
Also, Have you tried using the perl language build into Materials Studio? You can put all the structures into a study table, then have the script go through the entire table and return the results into the study tble.
OK. Forget perl. Let's find out what's wrong with the command line.
It says failure completed. There should be some output files. I can't be certain what the extension is. Maybe a .castep file, maybe a ,log file or .txt. But there should be something in that folder that tells you more about the error. Can you find anything?