I am trying to dissolve PCNB (Penta Chloro Nitro Benzene) to add it to the PARPH media but it does not dissolve in alcohol, DMSO, or water. Can anyone suggest something?
Thanks, I will follow the steps ASAP. Also I am trying to quantify Phytopthora from soil on PARPH media and having real difficulty keeping off the Mortierella. Do you have any suggestion. May be the soil sample I am working with has very low propagules, but every time I keep getting this fungus on the plate and hardly any phyt.
Hi, I dont have much experience with soil Phytophthora because I work with P. infestans which is mostly on leaf but I remember there are lot of literature on isolation from soil. i can have a look if you want , it should be somewhere in my external hard disk
If Mortierella and Pythium are disturbing You, then add 25-30 mg Hymexazol. However, this compound is more or less disturbing agent against Ph. palmivora, Ph. cactorum, and Ph. lateralis. I offer a book: Detection and Isolation of Soil Fungi by Pierre Davet and Francis Rouxel. Best Wishes,