I am in the middle of questionnaire development and validation processes. I would like to get expert opinion on these processes whether the steps are adequately and correctly done.

1. Items generation

Items were generated through literature review, expert opinion and target population input. The items were listed exhaustively till saturation.

2. Contents validation

Initial items pool were then pre-tested with 10-20 target population to ensure comprehensibility. The items were then reworded based on feedback.

3. Construct validity

a) Bivariate correlation matrix to ensure no items correlation >0.8

b) Principal Axis Loading with Varimax Rotation. KMO statistic >0.5. Barttlets Test of Sphericity significant. Communalities less than 0.2 were then removed one-by-one in turn. Items with factor loading high cross-loading were removed one-by-one in turn. Then, item with factor loading 0.4). Next analysis is only on 4-factor model.

c) Next, i run Principal Component Analysis without rotation on each factor (there are 4 factors altogether), and each resulted in correlation matrix determinant >0.01, KMO >0.5, Bartlett significant, total variance >50%, and no factor loading 0.7, while overall realibility is 0.8.

e) I run bivariate correlation matrix and found no pairs correlation >0.5.

f) Finally, i am satisfied and decided to choose four-factor model with 17 variables and 4 factors (each factor has 5,4,4,4 items), and each factor had at least 3 items with loadings >0.5. Realibilility for each factor >0.7 while overall is 0.8.


My question is, am i doing it right and adequate?

Your response is highly appreciated.




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