13 January 2016 5 442 Report

Dear All,

I want to characterize ohmic contacts to n- and p-type GaAs with Transmission Lline Model (TLM) measurement. I cannot decide on true pad size and the spacing. I conveyed a quick literature survey but it was not very helpfull because sizes and spacings differs in each study. So I'm asking to you. Is it wise to choose the width of the contact pad to be equal to the width of the metal gate of the device we  fabricate? The high power laser diode (HPLD) we want to fabricate will be ~150 um thick. Can I use this value as a range for the pad spacing (i.e Li = 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160 um)? What do you suggest?

Here are some examples from the literature:

  • dimensions= 74 x 110 um^2; spacing= 3, 5, 10, 20, 36 um (Chen, Ke-Shian, et al. "A Cu-based alloyed Ohmic contact system on n-type GaAs." Applied Physics Letters 91.23 (2007))
  • dimensions= 100 x 100 um^2; spacing= 20 - 105 um; thickness= 30 nm (Khani, M., et al. "Transmission line model (TLM) method study of nanostructural AuGeNi/n-GaAs ohmic contact layer for different substrate deposition temperature." Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2012 20th Iranian Conference on. IEEE, 2012.)
  • dimensions= 75 x 50 um^2; spacing= 2 - 11 um; temperature = 90 - 400 K   (Yamamoto, H., Z‐Q. Fang, and David C. Look. "Nonalloyed ohmic contacts on low‐temperature molecular beam epitaxial GaAs: Influence of deep donor band." Applied Physics Letters 57.15 (1990): 1537-1539.)
  • spacing= 0 - 30 um; Temperature= 25 - 300 K Wang, L. C., et al. ("An investigation of a nonspiking Ohmic contact to n-GaAs using the Si/Pd system." Journal of Materials Research 3.05 (1988): 922-930.)
  • width= 100 um; spacing= 5 - 40 um; thickness= ~1um Allen, L. H., et al. "Ohmic contacts to n‐GaAs using In/Pd metallization." Applied physics letters 51.5 (1987): 326-327.
  •  spacing=2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 um
  • (Wang, Yinghong, et al. "Research on rapid thermal annealing of ohmic contact to GaAs." Optoelectronics and Microelectronics (ICOM), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012.)

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