Thank you Luca Valentini . I am inquiring how one would use the AMiDsT software to calculate the mole ratios when they are using a mixture of Sodium hydroxide and Sodium silicate solution as their activator solution.
A case in point;
MKC; SiO2 = 63.4065%, Na2O = 32.1216%
WG; SiO2 = 28.53%, Na2O = 14.78%
concentration of NaOH = 10M
MKC = 106.7g, masss of WG = 35.6 g, (mass ratio) WG/NaOH = 2.0
I seek your guidance about this: My email adress is [email protected]
Ampumuza Mmukunda hello, you can proceed by first defining your sodium silicate activator in "DEFINE ACTIVATOR", then add the needed proportions of NaOH and H2O, for your 10M solution, in "PREDEFINED COMPOSITIONS". Then click on "Calculate M" and you'll get the overall SiO2/Na2O of the blended activator.
Ampumuza Mmukunda your calculation is nearly OK. The concentration of the activator should be given by the sum of Na2O and SiO2, so it is 43.31. Also, I calculated a slightly larger value of Na2O/SiO2 of about 2, rather than 1.93 (notice that this ratio should be in moles in the software). In general, your Na/Al is way too low, and I think you can expect low reactivity, other than much likely poor workability. I suggest that you increase the amount of activator to something like 975 g, to target a Na/Al ratio of 0.8. See how it goes.
In general, I believe that the problem with metakaolin is that it requires too much activator, from this point of view low grade clays work much better. To reduce the amount of alkaline activator you can even blend your metakaolin with some relatively inert powder, say 30% CaCO3. In that way you can proportionally reduce the amount of your activator.