Hi all,
Recently, I am trying to measure LTP signal, but I cannot detect the response.
I sliced the brain horizontally with vibratome. For slice, i used ice-chilled aCSF (0.5 mM, CaCl2), and the slices were recovered in normal aCSF (2 mM CaCl2) for 1-2 hrs.
After recovery, I transferred the slice to recording chamber where is perfused warm aCSF (> 2ml/min of speed).
For stimulation I used concentric bipolar electrode (FHC, pencil form), and the stimulation was applied for 0.1 ms with various strength. for recording, I used HEKA EPC 10 and patchMaster, and the electrode was assembled with glass pipette filled (1-3 MOhm) with aCSF. current clamp mode was used to measure the change of voltage with holding current as 0.
however, still I could not get any signal. please give me some advice for this.