Littering at public place is major contributor in environmental degradation. It becomes pertinent to address this issue with utmost priority. Kindly suggest gently methods to deal with such individuals.
In my state, West Bengal, India- that was a very big problem. But it is not a very big problem now. Some steps, can be called a modification of the so called "Carrot and the stick policy" has changed the condition dramatically.
1. People are assisted (up to 100% of expenditure depending on economic condition) to prepare a latrine for their own family.
2. Mass propaganda were performed.
3. Village Panchayets are given certificate and cash prize for covering 100% village households with Latrines.
4. It was experienced that girls and women of the society have a great role to convince the male family heads regarding the matter. So, they should be targeted to be convinced at first.
5. Once a family become accustomed with the use of Latrine, they generally do not return back to the old position of littering at open places.
There cannot be piecemeal solutions to the larger garbage problem that plagues our landscape. Littering in public places is just one manifestation of the problem.
Reduce-Reuse-Recycle coupled with a scientific treatment plant, plus proper collection and delivery system from the source to the plant can be the only solution. The citizenry will also have to support this by way of segregation at source.
Laws to support this will obviously have to be in place.
The ultimate goal is achievable only through education, education and more education.
In my state, West Bengal, India- that was a very big problem. But it is not a very big problem now. Some steps, can be called a modification of the so called "Carrot and the stick policy" has changed the condition dramatically.
1. People are assisted (up to 100% of expenditure depending on economic condition) to prepare a latrine for their own family.
2. Mass propaganda were performed.
3. Village Panchayets are given certificate and cash prize for covering 100% village households with Latrines.
4. It was experienced that girls and women of the society have a great role to convince the male family heads regarding the matter. So, they should be targeted to be convinced at first.
5. Once a family become accustomed with the use of Latrine, they generally do not return back to the old position of littering at open places.
Campaigns of the bad effects of littering using meetings, leaflets, whats app, radio, television over a long time will lead to public education. Punishment usually does not produce intended results