09 September 2016 1 2K Report

For example, I have analyzed a complex shell structure with a mesh of a lot of nodes and elements. What I am concerned now is the deflection along a specific curve. So what should I do now?

Usually, I will define a path of NODE LIST or POINT LIST types. To do that I need a mesh that catches the concerned curve. Using PARTITION TOOL to divide the part by the concerned curve will guarantee this condition. However

* It's easy just in case of simple curve like straight lines.

* It's hard to locate exactly nodes in the concerned curve when creating path of NODE LIST type. (In ANSYS i don't have to select all mesh nodes on the curve. I only need to select geometry of the curve and ANSYS will know which mesh nodes are in this geometry component)

* It's time consuming to type the point locations when creating path of POINT LIST type. (In ANSYS i don't have to type anything because I can easily select this concerned curve just by using my mouse with box selecting mode or point selecting mode)

It's simpler if I use ANSYS. I just need to create partition that catches the concerned curve (using slice by plane for example). Then using NAMED SELECTION to create selection (like path in Abaqus I think) to store nodes on concerned curve. Finally the USER DEFINED RESULT is used to extract interested field like stress, displacement and locations. All these kinds of data (selection, user defined result) can be saved in the project as well as export into text files.

I can't find similar abilities in ABAQUS. I can't save the pathes, XYData that I have struggled to defined them. After reopening the project, everything goes away.

I need your advice to use my ABAQUS more efficently. Thanks for your attention.

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