Hi everyone,

I am trying to conduct a mediation model with data that is modeled in three levels. The outcome (y) is at level 1, the mediator (m) at level 2 (classroom level), and the predictor (x) at level 3 (school level). That means that when I build the mediation model, the mediator has to be modeled as a predictor at level 2 (y regressed on m) and as an outcome at level 3 (m regressed on x) which causes problems (because I need to tell Mplus at which level m is, which I can't). I now helped myself by aggregating the mediator at the school level and using the aggregated mediator for the regression of m on x at level 3 (and the not-aggregated mediator for y on m). However, I am not sure if this is correct. It kind of feels wrong.

(To make things a little more complicated, I have a binary outcome (y). However, I don't have the feeling that this is the main problem.)

Does anyone have experience with three-level mediation with the predictor at level 3 and the mediator at level 2?

Can anyone tell me if using the aggregated mediator in the mediation model is okay?

Can anyone recommend literature on the syntax for that case?

(I know about Preacher, 2011, but, to be honest, I don't understand it well enough to apply it to my problem, I'm afraid)

I am happy about any tips and hinds!



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