Hi guys,

What kind of stimulating electrode you are using to deliver stimulation to induce LTP? I used a concentric bipolar electrode to induce evoked response in whole cell clamp mode in the past. But it is said that the concentric bipolar electrode is too large and may over-stimulate or even damage the tissue.

I saw a few posters online, where people suggested to use home-made one, like "bipolar stimulating electrodes fabricated from Formvar-coated Nichrome wires (50 um bare diameter; catalog #762000 (link is external); A-M Systems, Carlsborg, WA)."


I have found a roll such wires in my lab, but the wire itself is very soft. Would a electrode made of such wire be strong enough to penetrate tissue? Is it possible for the electrode to drift in the tissue due to the same reason?

I am new to field recording even I do have a few years experience in whole cell recording.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.



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