"HPLC"s are not calibrated. They are Qualified. This is a common error in terminology. They are complex instruments which consist of many modules or components, not a single component.
What is your actual question? DO you wish to develop an HPLC method to detect and measure xylan (or xylan hydrolyzate) in a sample? If you wish to measure the amount found, then after developing the method you would construct a proper calibration table consisting of several standards which bracket the actual sample and use the calibration table to interpolate the value found. IF THIS IS WANT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: Try a simple keyword search on the web for HPLC , XYLAN, METHOD to look at examples. You will find papers, application notes are articles to review.
Thank u for all your answers and the corrections. Yes i try to analyze Xylan (beechwood) and it's hydrolyzates. I tried to bulid an calibration tabel before but it didnt worked for some reassons. Thank u for the link.