For calculation Pre-resonance Raman, Gaussian 09 manual says as below:
This calculation type is requested with one of the Raman options in combination with CPHF=RdFreq. The frequency specified for the latter should be chosen as follows:
1. Determine the difference in frequency between the peak of interest in the Raman spectrum and the incident light used in the experiment.
2. Perform a TD calculation using a DFT method in order to determine the predicted location of the same peak.
3. Specify a frequency for CPHF=RdFreq which is shifted from the predicted peak by the same amount as the incident light differs from the observed peak.
I understand the first step. But in the second step, it says "TD-DFT calculation to determine the predicted location of the same peak" what does that mean? I think TD- DFT give UV peaks. Is it talking about UV peaks or something else. Could anyone guide me how to calculate the pre-resonance Raman, say it for Benzene?