My aim is to study how the inclusion of several risk factors improve a clinical model predicting the incidence of stroke in a survival analysis. I want to use the NRI to compare two models (1 baseline model vs baseline model+new risk factor). However, I would prefer to stratify the probabilities of these models in categorical variables (i.e., risk 0-3%, risk 4-6%, risk >7%...). For that purpose I have prepared the following code with R, but I am not sure whether it is correct or not and I would prefer to clarify it =).
I will use the open survival data “lung” in order to show a reproducible example. IMPORTANT: I will not consider censored data in this analysis, but it should be analyzed as appropriate in further analyses:
library(pec)##To calculate probabilities of event at a point of time.
library(Hmisc)##To calculate NRI