Can anyone please tell me where to find silver diamine fluoride in Malaysia? Alternatively, is there any simple method to prepare SDF in laboratory?
Thank you in advance for your help
You may buy it at Alfa Chemistry, it offers reliable international delivery.
As much I remember +0.0592*pH, as I am working on CatMAP, so my voltage values are in SHE, not RHE.
18 February 2021 1,685 3 View
Basically i want all classes of arrhythmia in single .mat file with proper labels. What should i do?
09 February 2021 8,062 2 View
I have my synopsis presentation and i have to provide details about 2-3 datasets that I can use in my research. Topic is crops Yield estimation using satellite images. suggest me what I can write?...
13 January 2021 1,675 3 View
As I constructed sperate contour plot for each methane and ethanol but now I wanna draw a combined plot for methane/ethanol ratio (for selectivity purpose)?
30 December 2020 4,531 1 View
our team researching to cultivated meat, and there is some question related to cell culture media and recycling cell culture media: 1) is cell-cultured media recyclable? 2) has anyone recycled...
27 December 2020 1,467 4 View
I am performing histology studies on rat brain, for that tissues are stored in PFA at 4oC. Is it possible that tissues stored by similar procedure can also be used for TEM studies or do we need...
20 December 2020 1,678 1 View
Hi, I am implementing an unscented Kalman filter in python for estimating the states of car motion and geometry of the road. My concepts are a bit unclear regarding the Kalman Filter update and...
19 December 2020 2,091 7 View
We consider a reaction system "A" reversibly reacts with "B" through k1 and k-1 rate constant respectively, and "B" gives "C" and "D" through k2 and k3 rate constant respectively through parallel...
27 October 2020 8,987 16 View
Any suggestion.
20 October 2020 8,143 4 View
What are the research topic ideas in Sentiment analysis for MS thesis?
07 September 2020 5,256 3 View
Is There Any Feasible Method To Test The Efficiency Of Fluorescent Compounds Other Than UV Spectrometers ? Suggestions Would Be Appreciated !
02 March 2021 5,785 3 View
I took measurements of different concentrations of 15 nm and 5 nm Au nano particle solutions. I'm trying to determine which concentration I measured gives the best reading overall. I also...
02 March 2021 7,626 1 View
I am going to have 3 different probes in my qPCR work that I am going to do. But I realized that the machine we have in the lab is a Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM Platform, saying it has green, yellow,...
01 March 2021 8,544 1 View
I want to build a low-cost polarimeter to study circular dichroism (chirality). What type of samples can I use? I am looking for samples that can be found outside the laboratory.
01 March 2021 9,101 3 View
In the stabilization of AgNPs are vital in current research interest. However, some of the 2D nano-materials like graphene oxide, MoS2, etc... previously used to stabilize it. But still they shown...
01 March 2021 2,207 3 View
Hi all, I have been working on the quantification of chitin in insect samples and feed for a while but I can notice that the quantification methods (e.g. exposure to HCl, NaOH, and weighing sample...
01 March 2021 1,843 2 View
Can anyone identify what kind of Schistosome species this might be? Morphological features of cercariae and adults resemble Trichobilharzia, though I am fairly new to the field of parasitology...
25 February 2021 7,760 6 View
Hi, I am trying to learn the theoretical modelling of silver nanoparticle using the Mie scattering theory. After that, I discovered a software named Mieplot developed by Philip Laven, where it...
25 February 2021 7,493 6 View
I am thinking of electrifying the street food carts while harvesting energy using solar panels on top.
22 February 2021 4,323 3 View
I have chemically synthesized silver nanoparticle to combat microbes on wound site. I have used many methods of synthesis, but I found minimal field of silver NP product.I am getting whitish...
11 February 2021 4,964 13 View