28 December 2021 7 952 Report

I am working on a method where I need to amplify a short (150bp) sequence, and then I want to amplify that PCR product to increase concentration. The goal is to obtain a clear 150bp band after the second round of PCR.

After optimizing the first PCR, I was able to get a specific band. However, when I try to amplify that product, extra bands show up. I think there are two issues:

  • The second round of PCR needs to be optimized
  • The primers are forming heterodimers (see image of negative control)
  • Attached is a gel where I ran negative controls. Note that the band is 200bp, so it is not the desired 150bp product. From the left, the lanes are:

  • 50bp ladder
  • no template, both primers
  • only the reverse primer added (no show)
  • only the forward primer added (no show)
  • So my questions are:

  • How can I optimize a PCR protocol to avoid formation of heterodimers?
  • What tools could I use to potentially re-design the primers/sequence to prevent dimers from forming? (I used the IDT analyzer but the lowest ∆G it predicted for a heterodimer between the two primers was -5.19 kcal/mol)
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