I am using the prefmod R package to analyze paired comparison votes.

However, I am not able to measure how reliable the result is, i.e., if there is really a significant difference in the appreciation between the couples, and consequently how is the difference in preference between the first and the last items of the resulting sorted list.

Given a model resulting from a pairwise comparison:

  • How do I compute an absolute value indicating the "strength" of the resulting worths? How reliable is the sorting? How much were people agreeing on the preference?
  • Alternatively, given two models, how do I measure which of the two models presents more significant worths?

The attached R code simulates the votes of 100 voters on 75 items (2775 pairs). Each voter votes on 90 pairs. The items (item1, ... item75) have a natural order which follows their numbering. The simulation controls how often the voters make the "right" choice (i.e., they prefer the higher number.)

In the model model.09.fit, voters choose 90% of the times the higher item. In the model model.05.fit, voters are very undecided and randomly choose between the two elements of the pair.

How do I detect/measure the "goodness" of the two models? How do I compare the two models to verify that the on model.09.fit come from a more decided crowd?

Thanks and best regards.

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