02 February 2015 6 363 Report

I have been developing various regression models for road crash frequency. I use generalized linear models (SPSS GENLIN or SAS GENMOD procedures), negative binomial (NB) distribution, log link function. For example: annual crash frequency on road segment = a x (traffic volume)^b x (curvature change rate)^c etc. Now I am trying to assess individual impact of variables, let's say traffic volume or curvature change rate. From literature I am not aware of any standard procedure for that. I have seen various charts (predicted crash frequency on Y-axis, traffic volume on X-axis) or tables with "impact coefficients" (example: standard traffic volume equals impact 1.0, increased traffic volume = impact 1.5, etc.). I also saw calculations of elasticity or marginal effects, but usually only for Poisson regression and I am not sure whether the same applies for NB. I would like to find some specific paper dealing with this issue AND dataset used so that I would do calculations myself to obtain the same results to make sure I know how to do it. Could somebody help me with this, please? Thank you.

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