10 October 2019 4 4K Report

I am analyzing a 17 items Likert Scale in SPSS. I have numerically coded the items and wish to compare the medians of two populations (Generation Z (group 1) and Generation Y (group 2) as it is a Likert Scale (the scale is 0-6), I am considering it to be of ordinal nature as the distance between the two responses are not equal. I wish to use Mann-Whitney U test. How can I compare the medians of these two populations in SPSS?

- Should I calculate the median for each respondent in the group 1 and group 2 by using the compute variable option in SPSS (Function (Median (Item1,Item2,Item3)) ?

- As this compute variable option will create a new target variable (let say "median"), should I use this new computed variable "median" in the Mann Whitney U Test by putting Variable "Generation" (Gen Z and Gen Y groups) as the independent variable?

- I also do not know how to check whether the likert data is normally distributed or not? The reviews that I reading suggest that we cannot check the normality of the Likert Scale? Suppose, I treat it as continuous data (as there is no escape category e.g neutral/do not know/ in between the scale 0-6)... then how can I check the normality of a likert scale data assuming it to be continuous?

Kind regards


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