Hi Friends,
I have a question regarding the interpretation of kendall tau b correlation coefficient.
I have two questions (ordinal by ordinal ) and they have the following available responses (Strongly Agree (1), Somewhat Agree(2), Neutral (3), Somewhat Disagree (4) and Strongly Disagree (5). Sample size 127
How should I interpret the Kendall Tau b results while comparing these two likert type statements?
For example _ Kendall Tau b = ( -.495)
What it suggests:
-Does it suggest that the respondents who agree or disagree on Q1, disagree or agree respectively on the second question in their individual capacities?
-Does it suggest that the respondent who agree or disagree on Q1, disagree or agree respectively on the second question when compared with the other respondents?
- Does it mean the respondents (whole group) when agree to Q1, do the opposite (disagree) with Q2 thereby both the questions are negatively correlated?
Please share your knowledge