10 October 2019 8 419 Report

I have two likert type statement questions (ordinal by ordinal ) and they have the following available responses (Strongly Agree (1), Somewhat Agree(2), Neutral (3), Somewhat Disagree (4) and Strongly Disagree (5). Sample size 127

How should I interpret the Kendall Tau b results while comparing these two likert type statements?

For example _ Kendall Tau b = ( -.495)

I know that it will be interpreted as negative, moderate in strength but I want to know how it can be interpreted from the explanation point of view (meaning what it will tell about the likert type statement). Will it mean that respondents/survey participants gave dissimilar ranking to both the statements? (meaning if the respondents gave scoring to statement 1 in the order 1,2,3,4,5 and then gave opposite scoring to statement 2 (5,4,3,2,1).

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