Here I have met a problem:

I ran my qPCR with "SYBR green master mix" with actin primer to quantify my data relatively in use of "delta delta Ct." The data shown here is strange, because there are two kinds of amplification curve presented here(as figure):

(1) the curve increases at cycle 3 slightly and then enter the "normal" amplification curve

(2) the curve which is random and "messy" before entering the linear and exponential phase of qPCR amplification curve

This data brought me a problem that the Ct value is becoming more strange and the software interpret the Ct value of first curve automatically about 8, and the second one is about 33. So, it becomes more hard for me to analyse and calculate the relative expression of my targeted gene.

The first question I come up with is that how does this error take place? What factors may be the reason causing the curve become messy? And, how can I avoid at the next run of qPCR?

The second part of question is that:

Excluding of re-run it again, I wanna know how to avoid this kind of data by adjusting the "baseline" or "some others values" in the software. If better, is there any manual that I can follow step-by-step to adjust it?


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