Narrative research refers to any study that analyses narrative materials, which can range from ‘naturally occurring’ narratives to oral life stories collected for research purposes to written narratives found in the private, public or political realms. One of the main stated reasons for why so many social scientists are interested in studying narratives is because narrative is a basic human way of making sense of the world. Narrative analysis mainly focuses on written or oral texts, but can also be used to analyze photographs, films or even dance performances. Because narrative analysis is inherently interdisciplinary, the field is relatively disparate and there is no one single method of analysis that narrative researchers use.
In order to approach a text from the point of view of narrative analysis, you need to take into consideration such aspects as plot and story, characterization, setting (time and space), point of view or perspective, type of narration, type of narrator, the relation between author, narrator and character, themes and motifs.