I want to ask your suggestions for the models that I tested.

My study consisted of 3 trials and each trial includes four different n-back conditions, 0-,1-,2-,3-back. Therefore, in total, each participant had 12 n-back conditions, in a different order. While they were performing n-back task, I have measured their dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation via 16-channeled fNIR and obtained oxygenated hemoglobin measures from each of the 16 channels.

I included trials as repeated measures (trial1, trial2, trial3), like n-back conditions (0-,1-,2-,3-back). Because n-back conditions are nested within trials, I wonder whether the models that I construct are okey.

##compact model


baseline = lme(Optode1 ~ 1,

random = ~ 1 | participant/NbackType/Trial,

data = oxyHbConditionandTrial,

na.action = "na.omit",

method = "ML")

summary (baseline)

##augmented model


nbackModel = lme(Optode1 ~ NbackType,

random = ~ 1 | participant/Trial/NbackType,

data = oxyHbConditionandTrial,

na.action = "na.omit",

method = "ML")

summary (nbackModel)

##augmented model for two-way repeated measures with trial


trialModel = lme(Optode1 ~ NbackType + Trial,

random = ~ 1 | participant/Trial/NbackType,,

data = oxyHbConditionandTrial,

na.action = "na.omit",

method = "ML")

summary (trialModel)

##full model for two-way repeated measures


fullModel = lme(Optode1 ~ NbackType * Trial,

random = ~ 1 | participant/Trial/NbackType,

data = oxyHbConditionandTrial,

na.action = "na.omit",

method = "ML")

summary (fullModel)

Thank you for your suggestions.

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