01 January 1970 12 2K Report

Recently, I have been working on automatically identifying peaks from thousands of curves. I use the prominence to detect a peak in Matlab. However, how prominent a peak needs to be such that we perceive it as a peak (true, rather subjective)? Please feel free to share your opinions. Some background knowledge follows:

The prominence of a peak measures how much the peak stands out due to its intrinsic height and its location relative to other peaks. A low isolated peak can be more prominent than one that is higher but is an otherwise unremarkable member of a tall range.

To measure the prominence of a peak:

  • Place a marker on the peak.
  • Extend a horizontal line from the peak to the left and right until the line does one of the following:
    • Crosses the signal because there is a higher peak
    • Reaches the left or right end of the signal
  • Find the minimum of the signal in each of the two intervals defined in Step 2. This point is either a valley or one of the signal endpoints.
  • The higher of the two interval minima specifies the reference level. The height of the peak above this level is its prominence.
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