9 Questions 209 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hugh Lachlan Kennedy
These devices have been around for a while now. Is there a consensus on the best way to do this, for low-cost/low-power computers and digitizers (e.g. wearable consumer tech)? I'm mainly...
04 July 2017 1,807 8 View
I have been using both (Bode and Nyquist diagrams) to design simple digital feedback controllers for low-order SISO systems P(z), by analysing the loop transfer function L(z) = P(z)*C(z). But I am...
03 January 2016 804 4 View
I would like to design a low-pass equiripple FIR filter, but I would also like to specify the (desired) group delay in the pass band; I would like to make this as low as feasibly possible, while...
25 October 2015 7,136 18 View
I would like to estimate the frequency of a discrete-time (real) sinusoidal tone - with unknown amplitude, frequency and phase - in noise An LMS-type technique looks promising, for...
24 September 2015 7,936 6 View
I would say there are essentially two main groups or categories of techniques that are commonly used to do this ... 1) Time domain e.g. a) normalized or 'regular' cross-correlation b) sum of...
03 August 2015 5,248 3 View
Let's say a person undertakes a program of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on an exercise bike, with a heart-rate monitor, in a gym. This program involves 30 min sessions every day. The...
03 August 2015 5,719 17 View
I have been using the Gram–Schmidt procedure to generate the discrete Laguerre polynomials, over the domain m = 0 ... +Inf, using an exponentially decaying weighting function w(m) = exp(sig*m),...
29 March 2015 6,518 3 View
I have a controller that consists of a bank of parallel sub-filters in the forward path of a feedback loop, cascaded with a stable plant. The input to the controller is the error signal (i.e. the...
22 February 2015 7,689 15 View
There are methods to design digital IIR filters and there are other methods to design digital FIR filters. Can anybody suggest a single design framework that can be used to derive either IIR or...
01 January 1970 2,045 9 View