05 February 2024 15 5K Report

Should we prohibit the false statements from the papers published in academia journals?

The words that “Einstein's famous equation E=mc2” is a sentence directly copied from internet. It is a general sentence about E=mc2. But, it is clear, this is a false statement. Now, it is well known that it is De Pretto who originally presented E=mc2 from the energy of atomic nuclei. His explanation about E=mc2 is the current explanation in today’s theory of relativity. And, Ohanian showed that in 7 papers, Einstein’s mathematics derivations about this equation are wrong.

And, these sentences are also false statement: 1) Einstein predicted the invariance of the speed of light or Einstein’s postulation of the invariance of the speed of light, 2) Einstein predicted the gravitational light bending or Einstein’s gravitational light bending.

In https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363832456_Crucial_Experiment_Showed_That_Einstein's_Theory_of_Relativity_Is_Wrong and

(PDF) Anti-ethics and pseudoscience: On Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (V2) (researchgate.net)

these problems are introduced in detailed.

I was astonished at that, in the books or articles about the theory of relativity, this kinds of statement: Einstein predicted xxx, Einstein’s principle/postulation about xxx, Einstein obtained xxx, and so on, are all false statement. Could you find out one of such kinds of statement is true?

In the past 100 years, we obtained the maximum scientific innovations. These innovations are much more than the sum of that before 100 years. But, it is very unfortunate, the development of theoretical physics is stopped or slowed. Some people think that “Physics is dead”. Here we emphasize, the main reason for the death of physics is that the false statements are prevailing in the papers and books published in the famous academia journals.

We think, we are all the honest people. We don’t like or hate lie and false statement. Therefore, could we reject the false statement in scientific papers with the journals, magazines, books and so on that publish the false statements?

How can we do?

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