Hello, I have had it from other people that u can scan the gels after 48 hs and it's fine, if u keep them in the fridge in the dark to minimize protein diffusion... I'll try it anyway :)
if you only want to scan those gels and not further using for any analysis (to cut specific band) you can keep gels in LF plates in dark place and in refrigerator for 2-3 days so that you get enough signals during scanning.
I have seen people storing the gels in a freezer (-20) before scanning.
After a week end it was still good.
You could keep the gel a week end in a coldroom, but I would keep them in a closed box containing wet paper, the gels should not be soaked.
If you need longer storage I would remove the gels form the glass plates and do a fixation (15% ethanol, 1%citric acid) then you can keep them for month.
Hya everyone. Sébastien, but if I put the gels in a freezer won't the glass crack? I did as you suggested and kept them in a fridge (no coldroom available) in a closed box with wet paper, and covered the boxes with aluminum foil to keep them dark... but I have no idea when my scanner will get fixed, so I don't really think I'll be able to use these 2 gels :( very sad, since the cye dye kit cost 4 thousand dollars over here in Brazil! :(
But then the fixing alters the quantitation and also gives high background... that's why 'm resistant to fix... although I will lose the gels anyway... tough choice! :)
With CyDyes? Don't u get high background? GE healthcare strongly recommends against staining fist and scanning later, that's why I was so worried! Have you compared non-fixed with fixed gels, in pattern and quantitation?
Hi everyone! Well, they´re still in the fridge, but it´s been over two weeks now... They´re probably not usable any more... As soon as the scanner is up and running I´ll definitely scan the gels, but I don´t hold out much hope for these 2 gels... at least I did everything in duplicate... GAHHHH!!! Frustrating!!!! But I still have loads of sample left and I´ll just probably have to buy another CyDye kit, at least my supervisor is filthy rich! lol!
LOL!!! But just because he's rich doesn't mea he wants to SPEND government grants on the likes of me... I have to... CONVINCE him first! That takes a few months...!!! :D
That is actually a doable idea lol! I might actually do that, after all, I´ve already "lost" the gels, why not do something productive with all this bad luck? :P