Does anybody can help me to provide details on the pollination mechanism in Coscinium fenestratum ? The female flowers when bagged since from the bud stage got fertile seeds. Is it resulted from parthenocarpy?
The limited studies in Sri Lanka on bagging the inflorescences did not produce seeds. This is even allowing for pollen to move but not insects, using bags made of organdy. It appears that Hymenopteran insects are pollinators.
It could be possible that there are monoecious flowers. For example, wild grapevine is dioecious, whereas during evolution it has become monoecious in V. vinifera. If you can find and propagate doiecious plants (it will be genetically inherited, very likely) of C. fenestratum, it will be an exzcellent character useful in domestication and hence protection of the species in the wild.
Summary of studies I mentioned can be found at:,1991.pdf
Plant is diocious in nature male and female plants available in different places flowers also very small it is difficult, but nature had its own gifts incidentally insects carry the poolination