In many situations; it seems difficult to always have a pure logical solution. We are often guided by feelings to make decisions. How can we explain this interconnection?
The neurons in the heart do communicate with the brain by providing feedback signals, which in turn may affect our emotions. When we experience something physically, it can change our emotional state: when our hearts race, we may feel anxious.
There is something called logical thinking and emotional thinking. Reasoning is linked to reason, which means assertion, certainty and dealing with what reality imposes. On the other hand, emotional thinking is related to the heart that is dependent on emotions, and deeper than reality produces. A person can not rely on one type of thinking; thinking or rationality always works: the emotional and logical balance between them, and the supremacy of one on the other depends on the stimuli provided by the situation. If emotions have a stronger effect, emotional thinking becomes the most influential, Less logical thinking becomes effective, and vice versa.
The heart contains far fewer neurons than the noggin, and their job is not to “think” in the way that folks have misinterpreted. They help the heart react to the various demands placed on it by the body. Because the heart has such an important job, it needs to have cells that help regulate its beating. For example, our hearts must adjust every time we stand up or sit down to keep our blood pressure at the right level and ensure we don’t pass out. But this system acts largely unconsciously, which should be a relief: imagine if you had to consciously control your heart’s activities every time you moved!
As a psychologist, I think that any human behavior has two components, a cognitive component and an emotional compoment. The cognitive component is, say, responsible for the logical structure involved, for example, in any human behavior. Its emotional component is, say, the energizer behind the focal behavior.
As Blaise Pascal once remarked, one's heart had reasons or motives one's reason does not know. For example, when we take decisions they are both rational and emotional.
Some years ago, when one thought of students' learning at their primary or secondary schools, one thought of it as consisting in learning the three "Rs" (writing, readind, and reasoning). Nowdays, students at schools are encourged, say, to learn the three "Rs" but also the three "Cs" (care, concern, and connection).
Grosso modo, the thres Rs are to logical thinking, such as the three "Cs" are to emotional thinking. This means that nowadys pri-primary, primary and secondary schools espouse, as it were, a holistic, not a truncated perspectice. What matters is not only logical thinking, but also emotional thinking.
According to the history of this subject matter everything happens all the time.
It is our limited perspective that has us break apart the whole integrated mechanisms and processes into smaller, discrete sections for us to grasp an initial understanding of the holistic experience. That limited view typically fades away as we can grasp a larger more integrated understanding of we have label separately thought vs feelings.
Studies have shown that cognition impacts affect; likewise affect can impact cognition. It is a wonderful dance.
The heart is an organ for pumping the blood. It is not the seat of thought or emotion, as the ancient Greeks once mistakenly believed and which belief still survives in the term "heart" as a poetic metaphor. 💔
I believe that all of our decisions, at some level our emotional intelligence, give us the skills to deal with the unpleasant issues in life, so if these emotional intelligence is for unpleasant events, might there be emotions for all different situations. But the heart may not think but it sure hurts when things, events, relationships, and a deaths happen. I think that the heart is more then an organ, I think it is part of your soul, and what the heart feel make us as humans react, love, hate, cry, and other emotions. The heart does not just beat, it feels also.
For a few of the responders above who took the term "heart" literally above...not quite sure that is what is meant...fairly certain we are discussing "heart" as emotions not the literal heart...are there any experts on the neurological bases of emotion reading this post that could weigh in?
My heart affects my thinking in a very big way because we Iraqis are very emotional people and we can be led through emotional influences and this is one of our biggest problems that we are trying to solve so that we can live in peace, love and brotherhood
Knowledge is not the product of intelligence alone. Knowledge is information useful for achieving a goal. If there is no goal, then you will not receive knowledge during training, only information. To achieve goal need a will. Goal-setting and motivation is not an intellectual sphere
Heart affects people's thinking, but also people's actions. A couple of years ago, R. Cialdinini and his colleagues found that people in a good and even neutral mood are more proscosocial than those in a bad mood. Needless to say, when we speak here of heart we are referring to heart in a metaphorical, not litteral sense
Piaget once said that affectivity is the energizer of all of our behaviors and cognition is their structure. For example, a child may not be able to understand that the operation of adding (8 + 4 = 12) can be annuled by the operation of subtraction ( 12 - 4 = 8) because of emotional or affective problems. This aspect notwithstanding, emotional or affective reasons do not modify the underlying cognitive structure of these operations
"Goal-setting and motivation is not an intellectual sphere"
I heard somewhere the phrase "a smart person knows how to find the best way to achieve a goal that everyone knows, but a ingenious person knows how to find a better way to reach a goal that no one sees". For example, now we live in an era when we see mainly musicians as performers of music, but these musicians perform music that was composed two or three hundred years ago. Now there are no good composers and this is a tragedy, but it is the composers who create the goals that talented musicians try to perform well, but these musicians are only consumers, not creators. In my understanding, constructive Goal-setting is a very important stage in any area to achieve success.
Our heart affects our thinking and our thinking affects our heart. As mentioned, anxiety and stress hinder our thinking, whereas to be in a good mood helps us to be happy and more productive, for example, in scientific writing. The relation is reciprocal not unidirectional
I think that the heart makes us feel different emotions for different situations happy, sad, anger, joy. Whereas, we need to use logic on how to react, if you become angry with someone or things emotions want you to react with no care of the consequences. However, logic puts in place what the repercussions would be and may make the outcome of the situation completely different. Just the use of logic with no emotion felt from the heart one can not feel their or anothers outcome or what emotions logic will do as in joy and happiness would just logical thinking thake away from there pleasure?. So the connection between the heart and logic seem to how we handle things especially anger, without logic the streets would be a blood bath. with joy and happiness that could be taken overboard as well. I am assuming that the mass killings were the lack of logic and all emotion most people do not kill if they are logically thinking, to achieve their goal logic is used to orchestrate their plan. But human beings we need to follow their hearts and logically assess the emotions felt by the heart to not over or under-react.
As Blaise Pascal once said, one's heart has reasons or motives that are unbeknonwsnt to one's reason. So to say, our heart is the enegizer of our emotions and feelings, and our reason is the enegizer of our emotions and feelings, and our reason is the energizer of our thougts and ideas