Depends on the instrumentation available in your lab. One of the most basic is denaturing RNA electrophoresis. As approx 80% of the RNA is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) the expected result for eucaryotes is to see two very well-defined bands corresponding to the rRNAs 28S and rRNA 18S. The messenger RNAs will appear as multiple dim bands. The run should include the appropriate ladder to corroborate that the bands also have the expected size. During the whole procedure, it is very important to use buffers that are RNAase-free and as a precaution include some RNAase inhibitors such as DEPC. A reference protocol is in the link below
The denaturing RNA electrophoresis tells you about the integrity of your RNA. If your RNA is degraded you will see a smear instead of the two bands.
Nowadays there are more automatized and specialized instruments to check the quality of your RNA. For instance, if you have an Agilent TAPE station you could use the Kit "RNA ScreenTape Analysis". The principle is the same as it is also an electrophoretic separation of your RNA.