Books are read for several reasons including understanding a particular topic, research or just for fun. How do you reach books of your interest? Do you feel any difficulties in finding relevant books?
finiding books in the Internet has become very easy now. the online shopping website plays a key role in identifying the books you need. and Google books is one of the best option.
First, i search books on google if there is any PDF version available then i download otherwise, i go for certain books cataloging websites some of them are given below:
But, many times i face certain issues in finding relevant book as most of search engines don't provide access to download books freely, even i have observed that, google books, one of the largest source for books, don't allow users to view the whole contents of a book. Some of the pages are kept hidden from users.
You don't require the name of book. As the books are classified into different categories . according to your interest you can search the particular category and find the book of your interest. There are many e book websites which you can refer . Kindle website provides you the option of reading different books. Some are free . some are charged