17 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zafar Ali
There can be two types of researchers, those with no or just few published works, we call them novice. On the other hand, other class of researchers possess a good number of published articles in...
02 February 2019 419 3 View
Word2Vec and GloVe are two core word embedding techniques used to learn word vectors using a text corpus. Please suggest me the suitable one to use it in recommendation environment.
05 May 2018 1,671 6 View
There are many available data sets that can be used to recommend different items in various domains. However, few of these data sets are providing enough information that can be used in producing...
09 September 2016 8,727 0 View
Recommendation systems are one of the information personalisation approach which is used to suggest relevant items and information according to user preferences and objective behaviors. As far as...
05 May 2016 6,764 7 View
I want to classify PDF documents belong to various topics and field of study. As SVM (support vector machine) is a suitable approach to classify such kind of textual documents, can anybody provide...
04 April 2016 2,181 12 View
As we know that user preferences get change with the passage of time, in that case, for how long time a user profile should be updated in order to achieve better recommendation results and user...
03 March 2016 3,792 7 View
As there is a large amout of textual information in research articles as compared to other items like camra, movies, accessories and songs which don't have that much information rather abstract...
03 March 2016 2,071 6 View
We are working on a system for which we need information related to various researchers. Is there any API which can be used to crawl Researchgate data related to various researchers.?
02 February 2016 4,184 0 View
I want to know about the recommendation process of researchgate used for recommending experts in a particular field of study. what formula is used to calculate researchgate score?
02 February 2016 8,162 0 View
I am going to design a book recommender system, is there any freely available online dataset that can be used in recommendation process. moreover, i need such dataset that has enough content...
01 January 2016 5,817 1 View
I need freely available books so that i can use these books in my book recommendation system. if there is any online repository or digital library that gives access to such books please provide...
01 January 2016 6,424 7 View
I want to design a book recommender system, but the existing books datasets are limited and provides very less information about book contents. can i enhance and customize it for my problem??
01 January 2016 2,761 0 View
I am classifying various books belongs to different fields of study in my recommendation system. also, these books are represented by features having numerical values. is it possible to apply...
01 January 2016 9,430 4 View
I am designing a document reccommender system, where i need to use maching learning algorithm for document classification and PHP language do not have libraries available to do this task. as i...
01 January 2016 9,303 9 View
Please guide me about designing test and training test for text classification algorithm. i am beginner to classification algorithms, guide me please in this regard?
01 January 2016 8,496 8 View
I am classifying large PDF documents on the basis of different terms (features) these documents have. I want to apply a supervised learning algorithm for this purpose. please guide me in this...
01 January 2016 7,935 9 View
Several data mining techniques (Association rule mining, Appriori algorithm, Opinion mining) have been used by researchers in recommending documents including books, articles etc. What could be...
01 January 1970 7,776 0 View