Provided that you repeat one experiment 3 times independently. For each experiment, you have 3 technical replicates, i.e 3 wells of the same treatment and calculated fold change of gene A from those replicates. I have several questions:

1. Is the control group always normalized to 1.0? Or you can keep it as the raw power 2 of the -ddCt (which is close to 1, e.g. 1.02, 1.24).

2. If you agree that the control group is 1.0 for every experiment, how do you pool fold change data from 3 independent experiments together and get the SD/SEM for the control group if they're all 1.0? 

Or if you have any other ways to calculate it (e.g., from the dCt), please let me know. I attached here an example of my calculation for expression of 1 gene from 3 experiments. Thank you so much 

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