Lets say I have 2 treatments: Vehicle and tmt A and 3 replicates each

for expt 1: My read outs for assay X are vehicle: 123, 125, 124, Avg 124

for ttmt A are 60 62 64, Avg 62.

Treatment A causes 50% reduction from vehicle. However, n=3 is too few n to do a regular t-test so, I repeat the expt and readouts for expt 2 are Vehicle: 440, 442, 444, avg 442; ttmt A: 218 219 220 avg 219, 49.5% reduction 

Now, if I were to divide each data point with the vehicle average of the respective experiments the data (and expressed as percent of vehicle) would look like this: Expt 1: Vehicle 99.1, 100.8, 100 AVg 100; ttmt A 48.4, 50, 51.6 Avg 50%

Expt 2: Vehicle 99.5, 100, 100.4 avg 100, ttmt A 49.3, 49.5, 49.7 avg 49.5%

Now, my question is, after I do this conversion, can I combine the data and compare combined vehicle to combined ttmt A for statistical purpose?

Why can I or why can I not? 

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