Most quantitative -omics experiments compare two different sample sets asking the question: "which item differs quantitatively in set A with respect to set B?". In most omics experiments this question is asked very often (for many transcripts / many proteins) and we will need to think of the statistical consequences of this to avoid false positives (Bonferromi correction, Benjamini-Hochberg, others). In all these cases, our null hypothesis is: item X is present at the same amount in set A and in set B and we want to find out, if we can reject this null hypothesis.

How do we ask the right statistical question, if we want to know which items are present to the SAME level in set A and set B, i.e. we are interested to have confidence in things NOT changing? Once we have found the right question, what is the best way to answer it?

Please take into account when you answer this question that I am a complete statistica amateur and still at the stage where I am learning every day.

Many thanks for reading, Achim

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