The 1 ns MD simulation in vacuo produced three types of aggregates after the MWCNT-FITC disintegration into the SWCNT and SWCNT-FITC components. The carbon nanotube aggregation ended up with a formation of the SWCNT dimer, SWCNT-FITC dimer, and SWCNT/SWCNT-FITC hybrid pentamer. Following the equation below, I calculated the VDW aggregation energies for my complexes using the VDW energetics for SWCNT (17.9 kcal/mol) and SWCNT-FITC (-0.177 kcal/mol):
Aggregation VDW energy for SWCNT dimer = -9.3 kcal/mol
Aggregation VDW energy for SWCNT-FITC dimer = -66.65 kcal/mol
Aggregation VDW energy for SWCNT/SWCNT-FITC hybrid pentamer = -187.27 kcal/mol
Is this approach correct? Please advise. Appreciate your critical comments.