If we are running a meta-analysis of sub groups, we will have effect size estimate and pvalues for each sub-group. Using these p values directly is not reccomened. Adjsuting the p values is a more conservative approach. Let's say we have two groups (duration of intervention and tailoring). Duration of intervention is
Let's say we have two groups (duration of intervention and tailoring). Duration of intervention is classified into three subgroups (3 months, 9 months, and 12 months). Tailoring of the interventions is subgrouped as tailored/not tailored. Two separate sub group meta-analysis was run for the two main subgroups providing effect size estimates, p values and hetrogeneity statistics.
How do we then adjust the resulted p values? Do we adjust the pvalues from the total group(in this case 2) or from each subcategory of the sub group (in our example 3, and 2)? Thanks.