If the amount of protein in your flour is low, i think you might need to use a sensitive method that can detect such amount. E.g., Bradford Method with BSA for standard.
I think that It is better to try the Lowry Method, It is very sensitive method in determination protein content, your sample in 70% EtOH, so you must prepare your blank solution with 1 ml 70% EtOH, and also you must dilute your sample with 70% EtOH again, for instance you can prepare dilutions like 0.1 ml + 0.9 ml 70%EtOH or 0.25 ml + 0.75 ml 70% EtOH. 70% EtOH will probably not cause any interruption while measuring in spectrophotometer. In addition, you must also use 70% EtOH while preparing the standard graph with the standard prolamin protein. I hope that I could help you.