Hi everyone, I am doing protein expression via E.coli. I am required to lyse the e.coli cells via sonication to obtain cell lysate.
I normally sonicate 1L cell pellet suspended in salt buffer at amplitude:60 hz, 2s on, 2s off, 10 min (x4). 2 minute rest in between. Centrifuge at 13,000 g. Cell suspension appear more translucent after sonication.
After sonicating 5 L pellet, I recombine them into two tubes for centrifugation , I was able to obtain clear yellowish supernatant. However, I noticed that the remaining cell pellet is large with a few black dots. I am not sure if my cells are fully lysed.
My question is: To what extent should I sonicate my cell pellet ?
Is there a clear and indicative sign that my cells are fully lysed ?
Am I supposed to sonicate my cell suspension till it becomes transparent ?
Does high degree of lysis result in smaller pellet after centriguation ?
Thank you.