24 September 2020 13 4K Report

I'm new to moderated regression, so I'm hoping this isn't too stupid of a question.

I'm working with two experimental conditions (variable A). I have reason to believe that the relationship between one of my A conditions and the DV, is moderated by either B, C, D, or E (these comprise a larger composite measure). To test for this, I've dummy coded A and centred B, C, D, and E. I've then entered these variables into the regression (btw I'm using SPSS):

Step One






Step Two

A x B

A x C

A x D

A x E

The results are what confuse me. In the table "Model Summary", Model 1 is significant, as expected. However, for Model 2 the Sig. F Change is non-significant, while in the "Coefficients" table the interaction: "A x C" is significant. Is A x C only significant because of all the other interaction variables in Model 2?

Also, and this is what's really thrown me. In Model 1 the dummy coded experimental condition (variable A) is not the only significant variable. B is too, and C (for which we have an interaction in Model 2) is fairly close to significant. Do these constitute main effects if Model 2 is to be classed as non-significant?

I couldn't be more confused. Please help.

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