I have been trying to induce platelets aggregation using different cancer cell lines but it did not work although this is reported many times in literature.
I tried the following cancer cells (MCF7, MDA 231, PC3, PC3M, BXPC3, CAPAN-2 and HPAF2), Also I tried different dissociation media to detach cells (Trypsin, EDTA, EGTA, accutase and scratching)
I used platelets prepared by different methods (Human washed platelets with ACD, PGI2 or PGE1), (PRP with either 3.2% or 3.8% citrate)
Passage of cancer cells from 25 to 60
Platelets from healthy volunteers who did not take any medications two weeks prior to bleeding.
It has been tried by more than one student and it is not working as well.
Wondering if anyone has done this before?